Friday, April 29, 2011
Episode 29 (High Quality)
Episode 29
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Wrestlemania Chat
E.R.F says:
Let's trash some matches
Brent says:
Hey some of it might be alright
E.R.F says:
Brian Danielson and cm punk and UT will be the saving graces tonight
the rock being the rock
Brent says:
And Snookie should be a big enough train wreck that it'll be fun. Except for poor Trish stratus
E.R.F says:
hey man a pay day is a pay day. Predictions?
Brent says:
Yeah but that started off as just Tough Enough and then she got stuck with that crap
Predictions... I think Shamus over Danial Bryan, Dustin Rhodes over Rey, Alberto Del Rio over Edge, Orton over Punk, Cena over Miz, and Undertaker is pretty much a given
oh and Lawler over Cole
E.R.F says:
do you think takers forgone conclusion takes away from whatever match he'll be in?
Brent says:
Not really.
E.R.F says:
also it's a shame that cena and the rock have more of intrigue than miz and cena
Brent says:
Besides we now have more of a question about what Metallica song HHH is coming out to.
E.R.F says:
king nothing?
Brent says:
oh if you tweet wrestling shit for the night, the law is using the hash tag #lawradio
E.R.F says:
title at the beginning?
Brent says:
Wow, Edge is the curtain jerker
E.R.F says:
wrestlemaina confirmed to be shit
Brent says:
eh, I figured it'd be third but they do do this sometimes. You know get a title at the beginning and get one at the end
not to mention out of all the matches, this has the second shittiest build.
E.R.F says: bet's on del rio
Brent says:
fuck Brodus clay getting a pay day lol
E.R.F says:
it is his DESSSSSTINY!!!!!!!!!!
he looks like an enemy from final fight
Brent says:
Only problem is who do you feed to Del Rio next?
It's safe to assume that the next thing up for Edge vs Christian, right?
E.R.F says:
has to be
don't know who you'd feed del rio to
whomever wins edge vs. Christian
Brent says:
Maybe do a three way and then split it off afterwards?
E.R.F says:
probably the best route
Christian as champ would be awesome
Brent says:
Heel or face though?
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
Cause I love Edge as a heel FUCK
E.R.F says:
yeah but Christian isn't Vince's typical champ\
Brent says:
Very true
Del Rio is good though, I just wish they had built this more
E.R.F says:
one sec
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
yes it is
hope that one day we have del rio - mistico
Brent says:
yeah man. He debuts tomorrow
E.R.F says:
is that when they're doing it?
Brent says:
well mistico debuts tomorrow rather
that top rop enzguri was awesome
what the hell is that?
E.R.F says:
couldn't tell you looks funny though
Brent says:
wow....okay so my score is 0-1
E.R.F says:
0-1 for me too
that stage looks slick
Brent says:
Just key it with the title
E.R.F says:
crowbars work better
Brent says:
lol I was close
Del Rio is selling this amazingly
E.R.F says:
I'd be crying like a child too if I had to spend my mania payday fixing my car
Brent says:
Note, no Canadian broadcaster has TE
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
Tough Enough, no one picked it up
E.R.F says:
cody vs rey...rey will come out lookinbg like thor
book it
Brent says:
Maybe Captain America
E.R.F says:
book it
shit son
Brent says:
His mask lends more to it.
E.R.F says:
you think reyrey would put over mistico....excuse me sin carna on his way out?
Brent says:
Quite possibly but I have no idea when Rey is getting out
E.R.F says:
wwe abides by a board of comissioners now?
Brent says:
lol, just tweeted the same thing
Cody chants?
E.R.F says:
look at where we are man this is old wcw country
so is like cody going to be heading like an oddities 2.0 faction?
Brent says:
god I hope not. Don't mention it again or someone will do it
E.R.F says:
it'd be awesome to see him team with golddust though
Brent says:
will give it to Cody, his workin pretty good tonight
E.R.F says:
he'll be great
after his run in the oddities 2.0
Brent says:
fuck off lol
E.R.F says:
by the way what are you drinking for tonight's festivities?
Brent says:
Right now nothing, going to pour myself something soon. in a match or two or the divas match, whatever comes first.
E.R.F says:
peroni now
moosehead next
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
scotch after
champange when wins
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
AWWW That was a solid kick
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
so we're 1-1
(our predictions were the same yes?)
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
can't wait until JR comes out
E.R.F says:
The Undertaker, Jerry Lawler, CM Punk, Sheamus,
Brent says:
"So happy to be glad I'm not on Charlie Sheen's tour"
E.R.F says:
and I don't care who wins the cena match we all lose in that match
Brent says:
This is a WM payday segment if I've ever seen it.
E.R.F says:
hey man the undercard has to eat some how....even hornswoggle
by the way bullshit for what happen to finlay
Brent says:
Agreed, that's why the divas match may suck horribly
brb, drink time
E.R.F says:
this rest stop by brent is brought to you my mongoose malt liquor. it'll kill all the taste buds on your tounge and about 150 brain cells
Brent says:
back did we call this match?
E.R.F says:
no but my money is on santino and no one else
also wade SHOULD be in a match by himself right now
Brent says:
you realise that around Jan we were thinking Wade vs UT?
E.R.F says:
yep and HHH and sheamus
that would have made, you know, more sense
Brent says:
so 2-1 we now stand
E.R.F says:
i need a moosehead
we all win when santino wins
Brent says:
URGH and with May Young we all lose
(for those who are actually still reading this, Austin's last match was with The Rock)
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
Think bryan and shamus got cut?
E.R.F says:
I hoe to hell they didn't they could have easily cut that 8 man a second ago
Brent says:
you know, despite the builds for the matches, WM kind of reminds my why I still watch... this also kind of washes the bad taste of TNBA out of my mouth
E.R.F says:
for sure the best of the best go out there and do a damn fine job. besides the rumble it's the one night of the year that I still mark like a kid
that being said PUNK!!!!!!!
Brent says:
Punk has done a great enough job that it doesn't hurt his character at all to lose
Nice stairs spot
surprised Punk still wears the Nexus armband though
E.R.F says:
wonderful kick
yeah I figure for the story line interesting to see what happens to the rest of the nexus when they come back
Brent says:
most of them have been sent back to Florida
E.R.F says:
shit hitman sharpshooter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Brent says:
Josh Mathews is carrying this broadcast. Another thing I never thought I'd say
E.R.F says:
the annonching has been a clusterfuck cole and lawler shouldn't be there if they have a match
josh is doing a fine job though
Brent says:
there's another thing, what do you do with Cole and Lawler tomorrow?
E.R.F says:
fire cole for his derrogatory remarks and hire J.R.
if it wan't for the fact that he was in a match, his ass would have been fired
Brent says:
lol...yeah unfortunately that ain't going to happen
E.R.F says:
good match so far
Brent says:
I love that DDT
E.R.F says:
the voices
he hears them
Brent says:
they talk to him... or so I've been told
did you listen to the LAW's preview podcast they posted yesterday?
E.R.F says:
no man working like a dog...something, somehting
will be listening tonight though
great finish
Brent says:
Agnew brought up something similar to your idea. McMahon likes his revenge big, WM being the biggest stage of them all. Is tonight Cole get's his bitch slap for his twitter comments?
Man that finish was so well timed
E.R.F says:
that would be wonderful
vince is a go big or go home type of guy
and if i had to listen to mathews from now on I wouldn't be totally disappointed
Brent says:
Pee Wee fuckin herman?
E.R.F says:
pee wee gotta get paid
Brent says:
fuck, now I feel bad for Koslov
E.R.F says:
THE FINK!!!!!!!!!
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
Sunny has cleaned up well
Brent says:
She's cleaned up in the last few years
E.R.F says:
R.I.P. Road Warrior Hawk
So does Duggan's board get inducted into the HOF too?
Brent says:
Apparently the Road Warriors hall of fame segment was pretty good
I think it airs on Monday before Raw.
E.R.F says:
I like the fact they inducted the road warriors manager along with them
damn the cole lawler match
Brent says:
It makes sense. While he wasn't a big deal in the WWE, every other territory they were in before that, Paul Ellering was a big part of them
Shamus and Bryan must have been cut
E.R.F says:
Every once in a while they getit right
BOOKER T!!!!!!!
Brent says:
Booker T????
E.R.F says:
black snow
Brent says:
Where the hell is JR and a tire iron when I need them
E.R.F says:
we need chet lemon stat
Brent says:
Thank the lord
E.R.F says:
bah gawd!!!!!!!
hell fire and brimstone!!!!!!!!
the thing with cole is that it isn't even good heat that he
's getting he sucks at what he does
Brent says:
wait for the Austin pop about to come
Yeah but Lawler has been getting him over.
E.R.F says:
calm before the storm
Brent says:
JR told me I can order his sauce through the WWE online store.
E.R.F says:
huuurrrrrr BBQ sauce taunt
Brent says:
Personally replied to my tweet and everything
E.R.F says:
bring that shit to the next party at adam's I'll bring the ribs
Brent says: I know it's not "real" but I can't wait till Lawler punches him in the face.
E.R.F says:
lawler is old school he'll let a little knuckle in there
Brent says:
....what the hell did booker just say?
E.R.F says:
couldn't tell you
austin is gettim more money than all of the midcarders in that snopp dog segment
this beer is great
Brent says:
did you see the RAW he last appeared on a week or two ago?
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
lol, his outfit looks like King Randor's
E.R.F says:
So, what Lawler vs. Swagger?
this is bullshit
Brent says:
I love this
E.R.F says:
guess I was wrong
Brent says:
And the Cole mine being use is great
E.R.F says:
the GM computer is there
just noticed it
Brent says:
kind of surprised cole has tats
E.R.F says:
tats of bunnies and doves and vince don't count
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
cole hear's voices too
they sound a lot like vince
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
they chanting lawler or boring?
Brent says:
I'm not sure
I've heard a rumor that Lawler isn't able to use a piledriver
E.R.F says:
yopu took the words out of my mouth
Brent says:
Right hand from Lawler
right in the mush
E.R.F says:
highlight of the match right here
Brent says:
here's a pop
E.R.F says:
hge did that drop kick better than cena's
playing taps for him
Brent says:
watch the beer throws
The jays should hire the wwe time keeper for outfield
E.R.F says:
where the hell is booker going
damn gm BS
Brent says:
lol you shouldn't have noticed the computer
E.R.F says:
shit mathew's just got initiated!!!!!!!
Brent says:
urgh that finish of the finish was shit
so what's our score standing at?
E.R.F says:
2-4 now I reckon
Brent says:
we suck
E.R.F says:
vince sucks
Brent says:
bet those guys who came for shamus are pissed
E.R.F says:
no man they're drunk man
Brent says:
you're just racist against the irish
E.R.F says:
that's neither here nor there right now
I like guiness
taker and trips now
Brent says:
I knew it wouldn't be last but before the Divas match?
E.R.F says:
"it'z all about teh Snookerz bitchez!!!!"
Brent says:
I was curious if this or Cena's match would go last
although it's 9 now right?
so we got two hours left?
E.R.F says:
this will go 40 min hopefully?
Brent says:
I was figuring an hour for this, and 40 for Cena
E.R.F says:
oh shit man
Brent says:
Great song to enter to
E.R.F says:
ah yup!!!!!!!!!
like we were saying before things like this make us mark like kids
and I'm marking like a 12 year old!!!!!!!!!!1
Brent says:
Okay have to admit, the entrance is pretty fucking cool
E.R.F says:
LIKE A 12 YEAR OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brent says:
How long HHH been out? Almost a year?
E.R.F says:
he left just shortly after mania last year
and I'm going to mark again for this enterance
Brent says:
I love him coming out to Cash
Should be a good match for Triple H to end his career on a high note
E.R.F says:
knowing him he'll stick around and burry some more up and comers just doe good measure
Brent says:
yeah...but it'll be less frequent. He's going to be like The Rock was his last year or two. Not as many performances, coming in for big shows
E.R.F says:
where there's money to be made
Brent says:
man this entrance is fantastic. It's pretty much like Triple H wrestling against Death for his life.
E.R.F says:
going to be interesting to see how much rust these guys have
Brent says:
You know that the match is completely wrong on the streak?
E.R.F says:
what do you mean?
Brent says:
Okay you've been following the build for this match right?
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
So the current run of the streak is 18 - 0 correct?
There goes The Cole Mine!
E.R.F says:
good riddance
Brent says:
But in all the promos that mention the streak they mention the Undertaker has buried 18 opponents
That is incorrect.
There are two ways to look at it. All the promos fail to mention the Trips has lost to UT at Wrestlemania.
As well, UT has face Kane twice at WM
Now there is a handicap match in there where UT defeated Atrain and Big Show
E.R.F says:
yeah but they're banking on the fact that the WWE universe isn
't all that smart
Brent says:
So depending on how you look at it UT will defeat a total of 17 men or 16 men.
E.R.F says:
and you can't bury the guy who's married to the boss' daughter
Brent says:
to be fair, Trips will do a job when he feels it's needed
E.R.F says:
true it's been five minutes and both of these guys are winded
mind you I think UT is trying to kill Trips
like actually murder him
he'll go to jail
Brent says:
Well in UT's favor, I imagine that next year is the last one
E.R.F says:
and be accused of murder
it'll be a hell of a run
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
then he'll have to go to jail for life
Brent says:
and then replaced by Jeff Hardy on the card?
E.R.F says:
he'll get a repreve to wrestle at mania next year
no man vince
Brent says:
I think Vince is done
E.R.F says:
not if he has to sell ppv buys
Brent says:
I'm curious about the numbers this pulls. WWE is aiming at a million
I also love the fact so many other wrestlers from TNA and not in the fed are watching
E.R.F says:
well this is the superbowl for wrestling so they want to see how it's done
we're all fans
Brent says:
Shane Helms has running commentary
E.R.F says:
I saw 950,000 buys because of the rock and a weak card
one almost cancels the other
Brent says:
I think less do to streaming
been a while since UT used that
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
kick out
they got 10 more mins
E.R.F says:
trips is going through that cube floating above the ring
book it
Brent says:
cube floating above the ring?
E.R.F says:
there is a cube floating above the ring for video and stuff they showed it in the beginning.
trips is going through it for sure
Brent says:
how high up?
E.R.F says:
40 feet
these two will make it happen and make it look believable
Brent says: the fuck do they get that high?
E.R.F says:
don't worry
an elaborate pyramid of chairs
Brent says:
and maybe the guys from nexus?
E.R.F says:
if it works for TNA why not the WWE
Brent says:
sledge hammer spot
E.R.F says:
oh you know it's coming
that's not PG
Brent says:
was that unprotected or UT get his hands up?
E.R.F says:
think he got his hand up
Brent says:
Fuck that was good
E.R.F says:
yes it was
LIKE A 12 YEAR OLD CHILD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Brent says:
I'm betting there was a bit of a rest spot in there due to a thumb in the eye. UT's had some crying going. Look at the mascara
Sledgehammer time
E.R.F says:
sledge in the HOP in 2014
book it
Brent says:
Doesn't matter about the ropes Lawler, no holds barred
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
I love that hammer tease
E.R.F says:
rematch next year
Brent says:
Nah, not for the last one
E.R.F says:
question: does he put over someone or walk out perfect
Brent says:
oh no, UT has died yet again
E.R.F says:
hey man vacation time
Brent says:
fuck he just got back lol
druid come out to get him?
druids rather?
E.R.F says:
or all the druids turns into one big druid and take him out
Brent says:
flock of druids?
E.R.F says:
a murder maybe?
a gaggle
we need to check the wikipedias
Brent says:
I want to name my next band Flock of Druids
E.R.F says:
I'll front you the money for a year supply of mascarra
so much selling
did they foregt the druid costumes
Brent says:
ah man, no druids
E.R.F says:
time for the scotch
Brent says:
k, keep track of what's going on, gotta take a dump
E.R.F says:
i'm going to get booze
i'd gladly watch morrison ziggy but not with this other shit
alright maybe laycool
maybe just layla
so while brent releaves his insides I'll give you running play by play of the show on mute
trish looks wired with brown hair
I don't hear any booing for teh Snookerz
and all hell has broken loose
mrs taker vs trish
wow that was a hell of a spill
Brent says:
Mrs. Taker?
well that was mercifully short
E.R.F says:
teh Snookerz is athletic
Brent says:
when not drunk
E.R.F says:
never mind dude it was probably written into her contract that she had to pass a sobriety test
vince ain't no fool
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
the miz is headlining Wrestlemania
roll that around in your head for a bot
using nas to pimp miz
Brent says:
eh, He was doing good until the Rock came in
E.R.F says:
i'm done with him
Brent says:
E.R.F says:
call me old school but I think that the champ shold be able to pull off a great match by himself
Brent says:
a choir for Cena?
E.R.F says:
cena's black now?
Brent says:
Yeah? What's wrong with you? He's just a lght skinned brother? that DMX's voice?
E.R.F says:
and Cena comes out to DMX?
what the hell is going on?
Brent says:
No idea but I like the idea... wow listen to those boos
E.R.F says:
We all lose in this match
mmmmmmmmm bitter boos
and a new shirt to match
Brent says:
I love the law comment on twitter
E.R.F says:
trying to give two of the whitest dudes some cred
with the black intros
Brent says:
Next year Diddy vs DMX at mania
E.R.F says:
I'd pay actual money for that
like I'd phone someone and order it
and put it on my credit card
monesy would exchange hands for services rendered
JR on play by play is the redemeing quality fo this match
you think the federation uses plants in the audience?
Brent says:
nah, plants in audio maybe
E.R.F says:
so is miz the favourite in this just given how much everyone hates cena
Brent says:
just me or does this match seem really slow
E.R.F says:
they don't know all that many moves so you can't use them all at once
Brent says:
Nice even flow ddt from miz
E.R.F says:
horrible stf from cena
Brent says:
The only stf I've ever liked was Masa Chono's
E.R.F says:
you are correct sir
Brent says:
That's right, I pulled out my Japanesse wrestling card
E.R.F says:
and you were right to do so
Brent says:
Now they've started working hard
E.R.F says:
I'll say it again WHAT???????
double count out and out comes the rock
Brent says:
here comes the rock
E.R.F says:
this is bad
so they're going into extra time like raw?
Brent says:
not 11 yet
There it is
E.R.F says:
lame duck champion is lame
they didn't do a damn thing to bolster the miz as a legit champ
Brent says:
Rock looking much better in the ring then monday
E.R.F says:
for sure
Brent says:
He's a lot bigger right now too
E.R.F says:
but he isn't going to be on raw for the next year
'dem roids
Brent says:
Agreed. I bet he's doing Summerslam and then done
E.R.F says:
Brent says:
He was up to 275 for the next fast and furious
and now I've got porn on my feed
E.R.F says:
sweet feed
Brent says:
So how'd we do over all here evan?
E.R.F says:
I think we did a fine job. mid you we're old and bitter and vince isn't trying to market to us. That said, trying to be as objective as I can, Wrestlemania, while some matches were grest (Punk/Orton), they didn't deliver on the what a mania show should be
The miz is still a lame duck champ who can't win clean and the spotlight was hogged by the old guard
C- at best for me
what says you good sir?
Brent says:
I'd say over all a C to C+ for me. The Miz is left weak (victim of booking for the entire feud)
E.R.F says:
and they fucked the dog on Edge/ Del Rio
Brent says:
Punk vs Orton was great and the UT and Trips pulled a great match too. The rest felt like they could have been on any other ppv.
E.R.F says:
perfectly said
shall we pass it over to the boys at the LAW, then?
Brent says:
agreed. Go to to hear their views.
Oh what was our score?
E.R.F says:
damn 3 right 5 wrong
Brent says:
Eh better then last year I think
E.R.F says:
it looks like
bizarro booking
it's been a pleasure man let's do this again next year
Brent says:
E.R.F says: go there and check it out shouts to pollock and agnew
two assholes talking about wrestling stuff
Brent says:
lol well said.