Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mystery Asshole Theatre Xmas Special 2009 - He-Man & She-Ra - A Christmas Special

You don't need to tell me what an obscenely long title that is. I'm aware. I just typed it.

This year, the Two Assholes (plus Guesthole #2, Alex Krueger) decided that we should do something a little special for our readers/listeners this holiday season. So, we give you the closest thing we can manage to an ugly Christmas sweater.

We managed to dredge up the campiest, oldest, cheesiest Christmas special from our childhoods that we could manage, and did up a commentary track to it. Believe me, this commentary is going to make the whole thing go a lot smoother.

Now, we understand that finding this particular video might be a little difficult, but we're fairly certain that with a little hard work, and some appropriately applied moxie, you'll figure out a solution to that particular problem.

So, pull up a nice refreshing Rum n' Nog, and enjoy yourselves some Assholes n' 80's Campiness for the holiday season.

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